(Please print FORMS. Once completed, mail to: CAMP GAILOR-MAXON, P. O. BOX 339, MONTEAGLE, TN 37356) This site also contains information about schedules, costs, transportation for your area, insurance, authorization forms and what to bring.
We have prepared for another great summer of fun, fellowship and faith-sharing at Camp Gailor-Maxon. This year promises to be one of the best ever!
Attendance is on a first-come, first-served basis, so we encourage you to register today. Please copy the following and mail it no later than APRIL 1, 2007.
* A completed REGISTRATION FORM, that can be copied below. A completed HEALTH FORM, that can be copied below. * If you plan to ride the Camp Bus to and/or from Camp: a completed TRANSPORTATION FORM, that is also below. When you mail in the completed forms a CHECK or MONEY ORDER, including any financial assistance from your church, for your camp fees, and transportation, if applicable. VISA , MasterCard and American Express are also accepted.
CAMP FEES: Camps I and II Camps III and IV
$526.00 $430.00
Mail copied and completed forms and fees to: Camp Gailor-Maxon, P. O. Box 339, Monteagle, TN 37356
If you have any questions, please contact: Pratt Paterson, Camp Director, DuBose Conference Center Phone: (931) 924-2353 Fax: (931) 924-2291
Email: Web:
CAMP I - Thursday, June 7th - Thursday June 14th (Rising 10th, 11th, 12th graders and entering college Freshmen)
CAMP II - Friday, June 15th - Friday June 22nd (Rising 8th and 9th graders)
CAMP III - Sunday, June 24th - Saturday June 30th (Rising 6th and 7th graders)
CAMP IV - Sunday, June 24th - Saturday June 30th (Rising 4th and 5th graders)
*NOTE: camps III and IV will be run simultaneously, sharing meals and worhsip.
* All campers must provide a copy of their HEALTH INSURANCE CARD. Parents and campers must sign the EXPECTATIONS AGREEMENT. NO AMNESTY will be extended to any camper who brings illicit drugs, alcohol or tobacco products in Camp. Any camper who violates this ban will be sent home immediately with his or her parents responsible for transportation.
Blankets, Sheets or Sleeping Bag, Pillow, Daily clothes*, Pajamas, Towels, Toiletries, Swimsuit, Flashlight with extra batteries, Tennis shoes, Laundry bag, Caving/Hiking clothes, Rain gear or poncho, Sweater or jacket, Hiking shoes or boots, Daypack or book bag, and up to $ 20.00 for snacks.
*Pack one set of clothes for the banquet. Nothing too fancy - just a fun & festive outfit.
Tobacco products, Alcohol, Illicit drugs, Drug paraphernalia, Coolers, Pagers, Cell phone, Walkman, Electronic games, Clothing exhibiting disrespect, Clothing with objectionable logos or graphics, Clothing exhibiting poor taste, or clothing with tobacco/alcohol logos
* Important: Please be at the bus stop 30 minutes before departure and arrival times.
Memphis (Bus stop: Church of the Holy Communion) Bus departs first day at 9:00 a.m. CDT and returns last day at 5:00 p.m. (Round trip $ 125.00, One way $ 65.00)
Jackson (Bus stop: Comfort Inn (Hwy. 45 Bypass, Exit 80) Bus departs first day 11:00 a.m. CDT and returns last day at 3:00 p.m. (Round trip $ 110.00, One way $ 55.00)
Nashville (Bus stop: St. Georges Church) Bus departs the first day at 1:30 p.m. CDT and returns last day at 11:30 a.m. (Round trip $ 60.00, One way $ 35.00)
CAMP GAILOR-MAXON 2007 HEALTH FORM - Please complete and sign this form and return it with your registration form by April 1, 2007.
Camp Attending: (circle one) CAMP I CAMP II CAMP III CAMP IV
Camper's Name: (last) (first) (nickname)
Date of Birth: _________________ Sex: M F Age: _______________
Grade entering Fall 2006 (circle one) 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th freshman/other
Father's Name: ________________________Phone: home__________work__________cell___________
Mother's Name: _______________________Phone: home__________work__________cell____________
If not available in an emergency notify: Name: ___________________________Phone:home____________ work________________ Relationship to camper:____________________________________________
HEALTH HISTORY: Check all that apply with approximate dates:
ear infections_______ hay fever_______ chicken pox_______ rheumatic fever_______ seizures_______ diabetes_______ allergies_______ insect bite reaction_______ German measles_______ poison ivy_______ measles_______ mumps_______ ADHD_______ OTHER______________________________
Date of last tetanus booster (mandatory within past 10 years) ______________________________
Allergies to medication: penicillin_______ sulfa_______ others (please list)_____________________________________________________________________________
Operations or serious illnesses (dates) ___________________________________________________
Chronic or recurring illness/condition: ____________________________________________________
Disabilities: ________________________________________________________________________
List any additional health history or activity restrictions nurse should know about (example: food allergies, etc.) __________________________________________________________________________________
List all medications, including over-the-counter drugs camper will be bringing to camp, along with proper dosage instructions. Prescription drugs must be in the original containers. Note: ALL medications must be given to Camp Nurse at registration and will be kept in the Camp's Health Center.
Dosage Instructions:____________________________________________________________________
Does the nurse have permission to dispense over-the-counter medication for headache/pain relief, coughs and colds, upset stomach or other minor health problems? YES __________ NO__________
INSURANCE: All campers must have health insurance. Enclose a copy of the front and back of your insurance card.
Camper's Insurance Provider: ____________________________Policy Number:______________________
Type of Provider: (circle one): PPO HMO Private Pay
Primary Insured's Name: _______________________________________________________
(Please notify camp if camper is exposed to any communicable disease during the three weeks prior to camp.)
To the best of my knowledge, the health history provided is true and correct. I understand that payment for any medical treatment or prescription needed by my child is my sole responsibility.
My child has permission to engage in all available camp activities, including supervised use of ropes course, swimming pool and other off-campus trips and excursions.
In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give permission to the physician selected by Camp Gailor-Maxon to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order the injection, anesthesia, or surgery for my child as named on this form.
Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian:_______________________________ DATE____/_____/_____
(Check the session you will be attending:)
__________ CAMP I: June 7th-14th (Rising 10th, 11th, 12th grades and college freshman/other)
__________ CAMP II: June 15th-22nd (Rising 8th and 9th graders)
__________ CAMP III: June 24th-30th (Rising 6th and 7th graders)
__________ CAMP IV: June 24th-30th (Rising 4th and 5th graders)
Camper's Name: (First)____________________(M)_____________(LAST)______________________
Nickname or preferred name: __________________________ Sex: M F
Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ E-mail address:__________________ T-Shirt Size: ________
Father's Name:___________________________Phone:home_______________work_______________
Mother's Name:_____________________________________________________________ __________________________Phone:home_______________work_______________
With which parent/guardian does camper live? ____________________________
Home Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Camper's Church: ____________________________________ Diocese: ________________________
Priest's/Minister's Name: ______________________________ Phone: _________________________
If not an Episcopalian, give complete address of church camper attends:
(We can't promise, but if you would like to room with a friend, please list his/her name here:)
REGISTRATION FEES: Payment for the full amount of your fee MUST accompany this registration form. Make checks payable to Camp Gailor-Maxon.
Fees: $526.00 $430.00
Diocesan subsidy:
Diocese West TN -105.00 (limited to 50 campers)
East & Middle TN -85.00
* If more than one child in a family is attending a camp session, each child after the first child can receive a $ 25.00 sibling discount.
List Children and Camp Attending: Child's Name: ____________________________Camp:_____
Child's Name: ______________________Camp:____ Child's Name:____________________ Camp:_____
MC/VISA/AMEX No. ______________________________________Expiration Date_____/_____/_____ Zip code_________________
Name on Card: _______________________________ Signature:_______________________________
*We want EVERY child to come to Camp. Please see your priest for scholarship assistance. If funds are not available from your church, please call (931) 924-2353.
Transportation to Camp: (circle one) West/Mid Diocese Bus Parents
Other: (How or with whom?) _____________________________________________________________
City leaving from and returning to: __________________________________Fee enclosed $_________
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________________
CAMP FEE: ($526.00 or 430.00) $ ____________________
Less Diocesan Subsidy ($85.00/ $105.00 if applicable) - $ ___________________
Less Sibling Discount ($ 25.00 if applicable) - $ ___________________
Less Early Registration Discount
if paid by February 15th ($25.00 if applicable) - $_____________________
Transportation Fee (See bus schedule and fees above) $ _____________________
TOTAL: $ ____________________
* Campers will observe Christian virtues in all their decisions and actions. *Campers will stay on the DuBose grounds at all times, except for supervised excursions. *Campers will not use, possess illicit drugs, drug devices, alcohol or tobacco products. *Campers will not use or possess firearms, weapons or knives. * Campers will refrain from the use of profane or vulgar language. *Campers will respect other's property and persons. *Campers will be supportive of everyone in the community.
I have read the Camp Gailor-Maxon EXPECTATIONS and agree to uphold them while at Camp Gailor-Maxon.
Camper's SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________________
I have read the Camp Gailor-Maxon EXPECTATIONS and agree to pick my child up within six hours, or pay for his/her transportation home if dismissal is necessary. I understand there will be no refund of camping fees upon dismissal.
Parent's Name: ________________________SIGNATURE:_________________________________
MAIL FORMS TO: CAMP GAILOR-MAXON, P. O. BOX 339, 635 College Street, Monteagle, TN 37356