Episcopal Churchmen of Tennessee
The Annual Conference of The Episcopal Churchmen of Tennessee is said to be the largest conference of its type in The Episcopal Church and possibly in the world-wide Anglican Communion. The first Annual Conference was held at the DuBose Conference Center in Monteagle, Tennessee, in September, 1947. It has been held here annually since that time.
The Episcopal Churchmen of Tennessee was the organization of the laymen of The Diocese of Tennessee. After the creation of the two Dioceses in West and East Tennessee in 1982 and 1983, the laymen of all three Dioceses continued to operate as one state-wide organization, but with separate officers for each of the three Grand Divisions. The conference has developed a reputation for having three outstanding speakers, including several of our Presiding Bishops. On Saturday mornings following the second speaker, the three Dioceses comprising the State of Tennessee meet separately with our Bishops, giving each Bishop the opportunity to meet informally with the men of his diocese. On Saturday afternoons, recreation events include tours of Sewanee grounds, golf, tennis, hiking, bicycling, running, skeet shooting, nature walks and whitewater canoeing.
Click here to register online for the 71st Annual ECT Conference.